Loans, defaulted, treatment, 11.17
Local filing officer, duties, 11.22
National office, candidates for, nonapplicability of law, 11.03
National political party reporting, 11.06 (3w)
Nonapplicability of law, 11.03
Nonresident individuals and organizations, resident agents, 11.07
Nonresidents, reporting, 11.06 (3)
Opinion poll:
Disclose payment for, 11.30 (5)
Valuation of, 11.06 (12)
Party committees, reports by, 11.08
Penalties for violating law, 11.60, 11.61
Policy declaration, 11.001
Political advertisements, compensation for, 11.32
Public utilities, special privileges from prohibited, 11.40
Referendum questions, 11.23
Registration drives, nonapplicability of law, 11.04
Registration statements, 11.05
Filing fee, 11.055
Reports, duplicate required in certain cases, 11.09
State employees and officers, political contributions restricted, 11.36
State-Federal political party reporting, 11.06 (3r)
State-owned vehicles and aircraft, use of restricted, 11.37
Support committee, 11.18
Voter survey results, valuation of, 11.06 (12)
Voting drives, nonapplicability of law, 11.04
Wisconsin election campaign fund, 11.50
Limitation on grants, 11.31 (2)
What constitutes, purposes, 25.42
Generally, 7.70
Announcement of result by inspectors, 7.51 (4)
County board of canvassers, duties, 7.60
Elector intent, how ascertained, 7.50
Local board of canvassers:
Canvassing procedure, 7.51
Inspectors, constitute board, 7.37 (12)
Milwaukee, 7.53 (2)
Municipalities, duties, 7.53
Recount proceedings, 9.01
School board elections, 120.06 (14)
School district elections, 7.53 (3)
Tallying and securing ballots, 7.51
Tie vote, 5.01 (4)
elections_6. dates and deadlines 6. Dates and Deadlines
September primary and election dates, 10.78
Special primary and election dates, 10.82 (4)
Spring primary and election dates, 10.68
County clerk:
September primary and general election, 10.74
Special primary and election dates, 10.82
Spring primary and election dates, 10.64
Elections board:
September primary and general election, 10.72
Special primary, 10.82
Spring primary and election dates, 10.62
Explanation, 10.51
Fluctuations, 10.52
General provisions:
September primary and election dates, 10.80
Special primary and election dates, 10.82 (5)
Spring primary and election dates, 10.70
Municipal clerk:
September primary and election dates, 10.76
Special primary and election dates, 10.82
Spring primary and election dates, 10.66
Revisor to correct, 10.53
Generally, Ch. 6
Absent voting, see Elections—2. Absent Voting
Of electors, 6.92 to 6.95
To registration, 6.48
Voting procedures, 6.95
Compliance review as to officials, appeal, 5.06
Deceased, 6.21
Accessibility to polling place, 5.25 (4)
Assistance in voting, 6.82
Disqualification, 6.03
Felony conviction:
Laws on, III, 2
Probationers, notice of ineligibility, 973.09 (4m)
Release, notice of ineligibility, 302.117
Restoration of right, 304.078 (3)
Sentencing, notice of ineligibility, 973.176
Incompetent person, 54.25 (2) (c) 1. g.
Standard for, 6.325